Jim Crow of the Mind

and the

New State Laws Designed to Preserve the Idea

of White Male Supremacy




Quoted from the Preface:

"You can be fired if you are a teacher in a public school

 in any of fifteen states of the United States and

discuss the content of [this] book. . . .

More states may be added to the fifteen after this book's publication.


"Imagine yourself as a public school teacher.

There are thousands of books like this one that you cannot discuss in the

classroom without jeopardizing your job in these states.

You should probably not be seen reading any of these books in public.

Word could get around to the people who hired you to teach.

The states' political leaders encourage

people to report anyone suspected of violating these new laws.

You never know who may be watching and ready to report."


Author's comment:

Where are we? Russia? China? No, the United States of America.

What have we become?

Where are we headed?



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THE PREFACE is an introduction that also describes the critical importance of freedom of speech.


CHAPTER 1: Presents the author's perspective that underlies the whole book.


CHAPTER 2: Describes the history of Jim Crow and how the false idea of "race" was used to justify it.


CHAPTER 3: Explains why an ethical standard is needed to critique laws.


CHAPTER 4: Describes the common features of the subject state laws 

and explains what's wrong with them.


CHAPTERS 5 THROUGH 19: Examine the subject laws of each state--

Texas, Florida, Georgia, Virginia, Tennessee, South Carolina, Alabama,

Kentucky, Oklahoma, Iowa, Arkansas, New Hampshire, 

Montana, South Dakota, and North Dakota.


CHAPTER 20: Simply titled, "The Danger: What Lies Ahead?"


EPILOGUE: Ties Jim Crow to the author's life.